Many men struggle with enlarged breasts, also known as gynecomastia or "man boobs". It can be very difficult for these individuals to lose the fat with just diet or exercise. This emasculating look can be embarrassing for men, whether their shirt is on or off. The liposculpture procedure is able to permanently remove the fat cells in this area and significantly reduce the breast size. This patient lost 3 inches from his chest shortly after his procedure. Results continued to improve as his body heals and swelling decreases.
All chest liposuction procedures are performed by our Director of Surgery, Rod Davis, PA-C. Call a patient coordinator at (858) 427-8899 to schedule a complimentary consultation with Rod. You can also visit Pacific Lipo for more Before and After Photos of the male chest.
All before and after photos shown on this website are of actual patients of Pacific Lipo.
Male Lipo | San Diego | California | Permanent | Fat Removal