Trainer and nutrition expert Harley Pasternak, a member of the Fitness advisory board, is the author of The Body Reset Diet.
Q: Will I ever be able to do real push-ups?
A: Yes, but not if you're only doing them on your knees. Incline push-ups - with your body in plank position - are your secret weapon. Use the plan below every other day; once you can do two to three sets of 10, graduate to the next phase.
Find a waist-high surface, like a kitchen counter. Position hands slightly wider than shoulders. Step feet back two to three feet. Contract abs and straighten spine. Inhale, bend elbows and lower chest toward counter. Exhale, straighten arms and return to start position.
Phase 2: Bench Push-Up
Find a surface that's about knee-high; do the same movement as above.
Phase 3: Knee Push-Up

Phase 4: Full Push-Up
Go get 'em, Tiger! Get into a plank position, with hands slightly wider than shoulders. Lower body, keeping abs contracted, back flat and elbows tucked in close to body. When chest nearly touches floor, pause, then exhale and push back up to start position.